I am usually willing to give the benefit of the doubt to alternative energy projects, on the grounds that I believe that the development of new energy sources which can help the United States reduce its entanglements with demented foreign governments who happen to sit above fossil fuel reserves is, in general, a good thing. Based on this premise, I asked Brian Bishop of the Ocean State Policy Research Institute, who has been lobbying against Deepwater Wind's efforts to establish an offshore wind farm in Rhode Island (as well as a regulatory regime favorable to their efforts), why their project couldn't be regarded as a little upfront investment in this vein...
Good analysis; go Brian!
I cannot help but wonder, however, when the powers that be that control the state will learn that they must stop maxing out the state's various credit sources. The state is already insolvent - hello?
The state behaves as if its financial house of cards will collapse unless it continues to spend on every suggested project, regardless of how dubious each may be. To the contrary, unless the state learns to restrain its spending, the house of cards will indeed come crashing down.
Posted by: Bill at June 8, 2010 2:15 PM