State Democrats' lopsided (88 to 32) endorsement of Frank Caprio indicates that party operatives understand, at least, what sort of rhetoric the electorate wants to hear, just now:
"We are going to be the party that holds the line on taxes. We are going to be the party that streamlines state government. We are going to be the party that says to small businesses: 'We want to get out of your pocket and out of your way,' "Caprio said from the podium at the head of the packed room. "And we are going say to state employees ... that the pensions that you have saved for, they're going to be there, they're going to be affordable for the taxpayers and they're going to be sustainable..."The message something that could have been said at a Republican convention didn't dissuade his supporters.
Even if we assume that Caprio is sincere, his characterization of the RI Democrats is (his "we") is laughable. They'll keep on doing what they're doing namely, striving to preserve the comfort of their special interests (unions and welfare statists) and assuage their ideologues (progressives) while continuing to protect themselves in any way possible. Then, when Rhode Island's situation persists in its deterioration, they'll point to Caprio's rhetoric, which will never have come anywhere near implementation as policy, and declare that Republicanesque policies have been proven not to work.
And Rhode Islanders will buy it.
"Then, when Rhode Island's situation persists in its deterioration, they'll point to Caprio's rhetoric"
Exactly. This is why I want the most liberal and the most progressive Governor possible this time around, whoever that is. Not even the progressives can tell me who that is. I don't want a conservative as either a Democrat or Republican. When this state is still in the toilet in 4-8 years, I want to be able to ask them, "Why?" and not let them be able to point to the conservative in the Governor's office.
Posted by: Patrick at June 30, 2010 7:36 AM"They'll keep on doing what they're doing — namely, striving to preserve the comfort of their special interests (unions and welfare statists) and assuage their ideologues (progressives) while continuing to protect themselves in any way possible. Then, when Rhode Island's situation persists in its deterioration, they'll point to Caprio's rhetoric, which will never have come anywhere near implementation as policy, and declare that Republicanesque policies have been proven not to work.
And Rhode Islanders will buy it."
Wow. You really DO get it.
Of course it works equally well if Loser Linc wins. Then the mantra will be "see he was nothing but a Republican all along".