October 2, 2010

The Standard Weighting in RI

Justin Katz

I'm not sure if surprise is justified, but I have to say that I would have thought that Congressman Jim Langevin would have been doing better as compared with Candidate David Cicilline in their respective Congressional races:

The survey of 250 likely voters in Rhode Island's 1st Congressional District finds 48 percent supporting Democrat Cicilline, giving him a 19-point lead over Republican Loughlin, who is backed by 29 percent of the electorate. ...

In Rhode Island's 2nd Congressional District, our poll shows more than half of voters (54 percent) back incumbent Democratic U.S. Rep. James Langevin over his Republican challenger, Mark Zaccaria, who's at 24 percent.

Of course, the encouraging news is that 22% of voters in both districts are undecided, and Republican John Loughlin is faring better than Langevin's opponent, Mark Zaccaria among undecideds.