October 15, 2010
Quick Takes on RI's Reps: Peter Palumbo, Beyond Immigration
Rep. Peter Palumbo of Cranston has been in the news most recently for supporting better enforcement of immigration laws, but his score related to taxes, cost-of-government and cost-of-mandates according to the Anchor Rising legislative rankings is 0 (out of 10), earned from his votes against pension reform, against all forms of unfunded mandate relief for cities and towns, in favor of creating a state board for teachers health insurance where unions directly appoint members, and in favor of increasing local car-taxing authority while lowering the state reimbursement to cities and towns. Could a Representative who is sensible on taxes, sensible on spending, and sensible on immigration issues perhaps be found by the people of District 16?
"Could perhaps a Representative who is sensible on taxes, sensible on spending, and sensible on immigration issues be found by the people of District 16?"
Why Andrew, yes, yes he could be!
Posted by: Marc at October 15, 2010 4:58 PM@Marc, I wholeheartedly agree!
Posted by: Don Botts at October 15, 2010 5:49 PMThis is why Palumbo lets fly with his xenophobia and homophobia - to cover up his shortcomings as a legislator.
Posted by: hellas at October 16, 2010 10:38 PM