November 1, 2010

Rhode Island Republican Assembly Endorsements & GOTV

Community Crier

We find ourselves one day away from one of the most important elections in this generation.

American conservatives and other like-minded voters throughout our state and nation now realize that our government can no longer be sustained at its current levels and that structural changes must be made at all levels of government and by all citizens.

Waking up in the morning and expecting money from the government is not the American way, nor is it what made this country great. Rhode Island's budget shortfalls these past several years, which have been plugged by federal money, not by changes in Rhode Island government, is proof that our state and municipal governments' way of doing business is broken and that we need and must demand change.

Zebras do not change the colors of their stripes, nor will the one-party system we have in the General Assembly change itself overnight for the betterment of the people. Time and time again, the Democrats in the General Assembly have sided with unions and those looking for handouts, not with those looking to create prosperity in Rhode Island.

The answer to our financial problems is certainly NOT to increase state taxes. We must embrace one nation, one people, one language — for "United We Stand" a strong American People. Divided, we shall surely fall into a world of socialism that will wipe out the middle class.

Change must start on many levels, from the Congress, to our statewide offices, to the General Assembly, and all the way down to the local level.

We must all sit with our friends and family to Get Out The Vote for change. While this is one communication, it does not reach the approximately 600,000 possible voters in Rhode Island. For real change to take affect, YOU MUST become a grassroots activist and encourage your family and friends over the next day and a half to vote the Right Way this Tuesday. The polls are open from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. Everyone should be able to find time within that fourteen hour span to vote for the Right Change.

The following individuals were nominated and endorsed at the Rhode Island Republican Assembly's Biennial Endorsement Convention back on June 12, 2010. They were endorsed based on our bylaws, which require a two-thirds vote of those members present and eligible to vote. To the best of our knowledge — and we pay close attention — NO candidate listed has compromised his or her standing throughout the campaign season for RIRA to consider revoking their endorsement.

The 2010 RIRA endorsed candidates are:

U.S. Congress, District 1: JOHN LOUGHLIN

U.S. Congress, District 2: MARK ZACCARIA


R.I. General Treasurer: KERNAN "KERRY" KING

R.I. Attorney General: ERIK WALLIN


Steve Gerling - District 18
Dawson Hodgson - District 35
Beth Moura - District 19
Dr. Chris Ottiano - District 11


Representative Brian Newberry - District 48
Representative Joseph Trillo - District 24
Donald Botts - District 16
Timothy Burchett - District 34
Giovanni Calise - District 25
Michael Chippendale - District 40
Thomas Clupny - District 62
Doreen Costa - District 31
Phil Duquette - District 33
Daniel Gordon - District 71
William Grapentine - District 69
Michael Grossi - District 58
Matthew Guerra - District 46
James Halderman - District 35
Jennifer Hirons - District 44
Michael Picillo - District 39
Daniel Reilly - District 72
Erich Sturn - District 4

In closing, I again ask that you please sit with your family and friends over the next day and a half and discuss voting for a new lease on life by voting for the above candidates. YOU and your vote can make the change! YOU are the activist! YOU must get your friends and family out to vote so that their votes, along with yours, will ensure that change happens!

Thank you for your time and attention to this important issue.

God's speed and blessings to you, your family, friends, and our hard working candidates and all their volunteers and staff.

Conservatively Yours,

Raymond T. McKay
President, Rhode Island Republican Assembly