January 4, 2011

Another Way to Comment
You may have noticed over the past few months that we've occassionally been reprinting Anchor Rising posts over at the Anchor Rising Facebook page; part of the intention is to experiment with a comment-space that is a little less anonymous than the no-registration option of a standalone blog. To use the old cliche, one method of commenting is not better than the other, they're just different, and I can envision productive dynamics emerging from both forms.
I think I've got things set up so that anybody with a Facebook account can comment on the posts we send over there, and we promise not to "share" (in the Facebook sense) every post of every day, so you can "like" the Facebook page, without having to worry about your newsfeed potentially being overwhelmed by Anchor Rising entries.
For this evening, the floor is now open at Facebook, on the subject of the Cranston inaugural ceremonies and first City Council meeting.