January 6, 2011

Immigration and Buzzards
Justin Katz
Monique and Matt talked of illegal immigration policy and a meaningful juxtaposition of headlines on the Matt Allen Show last night. Stream by clicking here, or download it.
We're still not to our goal of funding a full-time job, by the way, so please email or call (401-835-7156) me to pledge financial support — as subscriptions, donations, or advertising — for 2011 to help us create a full-time job within Anchor Rising.
6:48 AM
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Justin apparently wants to go away from being a carpenter in order to become a reporter for his ill-fated news site in an ill-fated state! A state no conservative would stay in, or dare open a business in, but would flee from.
Posted by: Rasputin at January 6, 2011 4:55 PM