February 4, 2011

Senators Reed and Whitehouse Vote Against 1099 Relief
The United States Senate voted yesterday to repeal the section of the new Federal Healthcare Law that would have required businesses to file a separate 1099 form for every vendor from whom they purchase $600 or more in goods and/or services. (CNN has a good description of the scope of the 1099 provision, available here). The vote was lopsided, 81-17 in favor of the 1099 repeal -- with both Rhode Island Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse voting against repeal.
Senators Reed and Whitehouse had voted in the previous Senate session in favor of the “Nelson Amendment”, which would have exempted businesses with 25 or fewer employees from the 1099 mandate (the National Federation of Independent Business has a description of the Nelson amendment [and its reasons for opposing it], available here), but once that threshold is crossed, it seems fair based on the voting record to describe Senators Reed and Whitehouse as supporting an expansion of the Federal paperwork and compliance costs imposed on businesses.
Two real winners.
Posted by: joe bernstein at February 4, 2011 3:05 PMReed is a scummy little crook into the bargain,taking millions from bankers he oversees-he has NO excuse.
Reed belongs in the same jail as Tom DeLay,or Randy Cunningham.
Neither of them know what it is to run a business, both have been living off the taxpayers' dollar far too long. They offer no magic to the 25 employees number, they would rather offer a compromise than admit they were wrong, didn't understand,etc. Between our Washington contingent and Chafee, it sometimes feels overwhelmingly hopeless here in RI.
Posted by: riborn at February 4, 2011 5:52 PM"Senators Reed and Whitehouse Vote Against 1099 Relief"
Wow. That needs to be at the top of the campaign lit of both their opponents:
Posted by: Monique at February 4, 2011 5:53 PMthat arrogant"my sh*t don't stink" fop Sheldon also believes there is no 2nd amendment right for the "hoi polloi",but he and his elitist crap friends are the "proper sort dontcha' know"to shoot skeet,etc.
Posted by: joe bernstein at February 4, 2011 8:53 PM1099 form for the shoot skeeter vendor!
Two words: they suck.
Posted by: Lee at February 4, 2011 11:14 PM"it seems fair based on the voting record to describe Senators Reed and Whitehouse as supporting an expansion of the Federal paperwork and compliance costs imposed on businesses."
Unsurprising - AR gets its wrong (again)
You forget to mention that literally MOMENTS EARLIER - whitehouse & reed voted _for_ FULL REPEAL (not just for busineses smaller than 25 ppl): www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=112&session=1&vote=00007
and you leave out the fact that the version that passed was paid for by pulling back money that was meant to be used for aid to victims of the floods - which is why reed and whithouse voted AGAINST it.
Posted by: bythebay at February 6, 2011 2:39 AMByTheBay,
Could you kindly quote the language that you claim offsets the anticiapted 1099 revenue with aid to victims of the floods?
Posted by: Andrew at February 6, 2011 10:14 AM