April 9, 2011

Earth Week: Hands-On Motorheads, Hearken to Iowahawk
Monique Chartier
A lovely way to celebrate.
Yes friends (in case you had not already marked your calendar), 2011 Earth Week is officially slated to take place April 17-23. And, for the 6th straight year, I will be opening this space for our annual Earth Week Virtual Cruise-In, where Iowahawk readers around our fragile planet gather, share, and celebrate nature's greatest miracle: the internal combustion vehicle. Over the years I have been proud to feature some amazing carbonating machinery, be it land-, water-, or airborne (see, for example, last year's entries).And now's your chance to participate! But be forewarned - best bring your 'A' game, because there ain't no half-steppin' in CO2 City. If you've got an eye-popping car / truck / motorcycle / motorboat / airplane / intergalactic Vespa Death Star, send a pic and a pithy description via the email link on the left sidebar (please add 'Earth Week Cruise' in the subject line).
7:15 PM
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If anyone wants to celebrate in a big way, I will consider renting my 12 miles to the gallon '64 Plymouth convertible. It comes with a flight suit so that your nose won't bleed.
Back when I spent time there, I took this to the Narragansett Boat Club. I was given to understand that it was extremely inappropriate.
Posted by: Warrington Faust at April 9, 2011 9:34 PMI don't see what the problem was, Warrington. It was clearly a bateau; you had brought it to a boat club!
Posted by: Monique at April 10, 2011 8:11 AM"I don't see what the problem was, Warrington. It was clearly a bateau; you had brought it to a boat club!"
At the time, we rowers were supposed to have Volvos, or SAABs.
I am reminded of a friend looking for a condo. He would drive through the parking areas noting the number of American cars, "You know what kind of people have those"
Posted by: Warrington Faust at April 10, 2011 10:17 AMSorry for all the double posts lately. It is not that I like them so much, there is something going on in my machine.
Posted by: Warrington Faust at April 10, 2011 10:18 AM"He would drive through the parking areas noting the number of American cars, "You know what kind of people have those""
Undoubtedly, the junior senator from Rhode Island would be happy to supply the answer. And it would apply double to those driving American pickup trucks.
Posted by: Monique at April 10, 2011 10:35 AM