April 25, 2011

Vlog #11: A Speechification Coach for the Governor

Justin Katz

A little fun with juxtaposition:

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I moved from Queens NYC at the young age of 12 in 1978. That piece brought me back to my childhood immediately upon hearing Crazy Eddie's voice superimposed on Linc's over animated style of ineffective (thankfully) persuasion. I didn't need the reminder of where it came from!

The power of a well crafted advertisement is amazing. We should all be thankful that our sitting governor, who lost the election by a landslide, hasn't yet mastered the ability to effectively advertise.

Posted by: swamper at April 25, 2011 7:12 AM

I moved from Queens NYC at the young age of 12 in 1978. That piece brought me back to my childhood immediately upon hearing Crazy Eddie's voice superimposed on Linc's over animated style of ineffective (thankfully) persuasion. I didn't need the reminder of where it came from!

The power of a well crafted advertisement is amazing. We should all be thankful that our sitting governor, who lost the election by a landslide, hasn't yet mastered the ability to effectively advertise.

Posted by: swamper at April 25, 2011 7:17 AM

Justin, I can't wait to see what you do with some of Bob Watson's stuff. Talk about insanity!!!
Getting high on Good Friday!
Makes me think
1) The holiest day of the year, not the day to get high and go out for a drive and put the lives of others in danger.
2) Maybe he was high when he made the Gay Guatemalan comment?
3) With the irony of Bob Watson getting caught with weed, how long until Dan Gordon is found in a gay bath house?

Posted by: Swazool at April 25, 2011 9:13 AM

That is hilarious Justin. Great work. Linc Chafee is the comedic gift that keeps on giving.

Swazy methinks you libs need to smoke some reef. It's obvious your ADD meds don't work because none of you can stay on topic. You lefties are some weird folk.

Posted by: Tim at April 25, 2011 10:28 AM

Great job! I almost dropped my laptop twice now. Once after your video and once after reading GolocalProv listing Chafee and his Youtube add under their 'Who's Hot?' segment. I'm still scratching my head over the latter.

Posted by: Max Diesel at April 25, 2011 10:39 AM

Hey Justin, love the Commodore 64 on the shelf behind you.

Posted by: Chris at April 25, 2011 1:09 PM

Thanks, Justin. The vid is a beautiful bullseye.

You surely can tell from the limited gesture repertoire that Chafee isn't Italian.

Could you imagine his dancing?

Posted by: BobN at April 25, 2011 3:26 PM

Relevant: www.npr.org/blogs/money/2009/08/into_the_mind_of_a_financial_c.html

Planet Money is seriously one of the best things NPR has ever done. They boiled-down the financial meltdown into fair terms that everyone (even our reps in congress) used to understand what was behind it all.

Posted by: mangeek at April 25, 2011 4:43 PM

That is a great video. Thanks for the laughs.

Posted by: riborn at April 25, 2011 6:14 PM

BobN sez,

"You surely can tell from the limited gesture repertoire that Chafee isn't Italian.

Could you imagine his dancing?"

As a matter of fact Bob I think we have witnessed what a movin' and groovin' Linc Chafee would look like.
Linc does the "Elaine Benes".
For those unfamiliar just google it. You will laugh like hell and you will absolutely agree that it's Linc Chafee all the way.

Posted by: Tim at April 25, 2011 6:43 PM

swazool-is there a gay bath house in RI?
Didn't the AIDS epidemic kind of put a damper on those?

I remember back in NYC in the 50's and 60's and even later the public bathrooms in the subway system were the functional equivalent of bath houses.
Classy places to have sex with total strangers.
I'm not a homophobe,but that was disgusting behavior.
I don't think heterosexual sex should be tolerated in public venues either.
Just take it indoors in a private setting and shtup away with any adult you want to.
You're a big schadenfreude fan,swaz-good thing no one knows who you really are,which means you'll never be embarrassed here.
All of us have probably done things we'd sooner not have on Page One.

Posted by: joe bernstein at April 25, 2011 9:41 PM
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