May 3, 2011

The Case for Israel: Democracy's Outpost
The URI College Republicans and the Narragansett and South Kingston Republican Town Committees, tomorrow night, are screening The Case for Israel, a feature-length documentary film, followed by a Q&A session with executive producer, Gloria Greenfield.
In the film, Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz offers a vigorous case for Israel — for its basic right to exist, to protect its citizens from terrorism, and to defend its borders from hostile enemies. He engages leading political, judicial and academic leaders from Israel and North America in objective and intelligent discourse on the critical challenges facing Israel and the West.
The showing will be on Wednesday, May 4, at 7:00 p.m. in URI's Swan Hall Auditorium, 60 Upper College Rd., Kingston. Suggested admission: $10/public, $5/student.