Someone posted an advertisement on the free classifieds website Craigslist this month seeking to enlist Democratic challengers to Senate President M. Teresa Paiva Weed, a Newport Democrat up for reelection in 2012.The person who posted the ad was identified only by the e-mail address automatically generated by the website: comm-rmdy8-2436493850@craigslist.org
But the person did offer to financially back any candidate.
“She has done more damage to our state with her total lack of leadership (despite what RI College has said), her self-serving attitude, and her tolerance and acceptance of corruption, than all previous Senate presidents combined,” the ad reads. “If the Senate does not have the chutzpah to do anything about her ... Let’s get her out of office through the election process.”
The ad is still up as of this afternoon.
She gets re-elected. You know the people screaming loudest about P-V will support her if she's challenged from the left. If she's challenged from both sides, she rides the corporate Dem vote to victory over split opposition.
Wouldn't be shocked if she cut a deal with the right to ensure the civil unions bill will not come to a vote.