July 13, 2011

My Kinda Starlet
I know Mila Kunis from watching a few episodes of That 70's Show and Family Guy (both funny, but I'm not a "fanboy"). In general, she's always struck me as a cute, funny actress with a genuine one-of-the-guys/little sister vibe (hey, I'm over 40 now!). I haven't seen it, but she also gained some critical acclaim for the recent movie, Black Swan. Regardless of her talents, she went up a couple notches in my book when she accepted a Youtube date request from a Marine in Afghanistan.
As seen in the second video, she's been out promoting her new movie Friends with Benefits with co-star Justin Timberlake. She also did a recent interview in GQ where she addressed the concept of "friends with benefits".
GQ: Your new movie is called Friends with Benefits. Ever been in one of those relationships?Agree and agree. So, another couple notches....and by the way, she's also a Trekkie, which may raise her even higher in the estimation of some people around here.Mila Kunis: Oy. I haven't, but I can give you my stance on it: It's like communism—good in theory, in execution it fails....
Whoa! Did I just read that you agree with Marxist theory? Who knew Marc is really just a disillusioned Red?!
Posted by: Russ at July 14, 2011 10:00 AMThe Hollywood-go-lightly is attempting to break the date as we speak. Russ is all excited again. Once a flaming liberal always a flaming liberal.
Posted by: ANTHONY at July 14, 2011 7:13 PM