July 23, 2011

There is No Explanation

Monique Chartier

... for an act of pure evil.

A gunman who opened fire on an island teeming with young people kept shooting for 90 minutes before surrendering to a SWAT team, police said Saturday. ...

At least 85 people were killed on the island ...

Andresen, the acting police chief, said the suspect was talking to police.

"He is clear on the point that he wants to explain himself," he told reporters at a news conference.

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Crazy he is not. This was well planned. Police uniform,fertilizer bomb and a lot of ammo. Sadly he accomplished what he set out to do. The price we pay for a free society is sometimes high. Free will is also used for evil.

Posted by: ANTHONY at July 23, 2011 11:56 PM

"The price we pay for a free society is sometimes high."

With gun possession in public being mostly illegal in Norway, I would hardly call them a free society.

Hell, even in our bed-wetting liberal state you have a right to carry a gun in public.

Posted by: KramerV at July 24, 2011 7:13 AM

"He is clear on the point that he wants to explain himself,"

I hope he is not expecting redemption through confession. I cannot even imagine any explanation that would exonerate him.

It is sad to think he did this simply to make himself newsworthy.

Posted by: Warrington Faust at July 24, 2011 10:06 AM

"With gun possession in public being mostly illegal in Norway, I would hardly call them a free society. "

Kramer V....You did not forget Timothy McVeigh did you? That be OKLA,USA.
Carry a gun in public everywhere in the USA? I think you probably are from another planet. (although I heartily endorse right to carry)

Posted by: ANTHONY at July 24, 2011 11:48 AM

Thanks to "progressive"Eurotrash laws this animal is facing only 21 years in prison.So he can be out enjoying life at age 53.
It also illustrates how effective the "progressive"Eurotrash gun control laws are at preventing these incidents.
Gun control laws make lowlifes like Sheldon Whithouse wet themselves,but do not deter crime.
Case in point:Illinois has draconian gun laws and we all know how peaceful things are in Chicago.
I believe this crazed rampage was a reaction to what is widely perceived as Western Europe's incremental surrender to Islamic pressure.They wanted cheap labor and now the eloi over there are finding out what it really cost them.
What is truly bizarre is the fact that he didn't attack any Muslim centers or people.
The camp was for Labor Party youth movement members.The Labor Party in Norway is like the Social Democrats in Germany,somewhat left of center.
Of course,trying to apply reason to the actions of someone who murders almost a hundred people,most of them up close and personal,is futile anyway.
He is described as a fundamentalist Christian,but most Norwegian extremists aren't practicing Christians-they mostly follow "Odinism",based on the pre-Christian Eddic religion of the region.
Most Odinists are just ordinary people who believe in pagan rituals,but there is always an idiot fringe in any group.
Hard to believe he did this alone,but maybe he really trained and prepared a lot.

Posted by: joe bernstein at July 24, 2011 11:58 AM


What is truly bizarre is the fact that he didn't attack any Muslim centers or people.

Muslims aren't going to deport themselves. In his twisted mind, the point had to be made to the ruling liberal party.

I hadn't heard the Odinist angle before - I guess it doesn't fit the narrative.

@Anthony - well-organized isn't the same as sane

Posted by: chuckR at July 25, 2011 2:05 PM

Chuck R. spare me the psychological profile......the freakin' guy bought a farm to get approved for the chemicals to blow up the building.

Posted by: ANTHONY at July 25, 2011 5:43 PM

"Chuck R. spare me the psychological profile......the freakin' guy bought a farm to get approved for the chemicals to blow up the building."

Why should we assume he is sane because he can manage long term planning?

In descending order of slaughter; Mao, Stalin, Hitler. Idi Amin ate his ex-wife's heart, but still managed to control a country for 10-15 years and then had friends to grant him asylum (not sure if they applied dietary restrictions).

I regard it as quite possible that he was caught up in "mob hysteria", although it may have been a rather small "mob".

Posted by: Warrington Faust at July 25, 2011 8:02 PM

Idi Amin had untreated late stage syphilis which causes dementia.

Posted by: joe bernstein at July 25, 2011 9:25 PM

Posted by joe bernstein
"Idi Amin had untreated late stage syphilis which causes dementia."

Bad stuff that. A lot of British "statesmen" had tertiary syphillis. Winston Churchill's father would scream and howl at the dinner table, while no one noticed. Don't know why we seem to have been spared in this country, although that was Al Capone's cause of death.

Posted by: Warrington Faust at July 26, 2011 1:02 AM

Apparently it's pretty easy to get a rifle or shotgun in Norway, and maybe even a pistol, if you put "hunting or sport shooting" on the application. It's not controversial.

What they DON'T accept as a valid reason for owning a weapon?


Posted by: EMT at July 27, 2011 8:41 PM

The best bumper sticker I've seen in a decade:911-20 Minutes
Glock-2 seconds

Posted by: joe bernstein at July 28, 2011 8:44 AM
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