February 9, 2012

Illegal Alien "Public Advocate": President Obama Officially Gives the Table For One Salute To Legal Immigrants
It's not a piece from The Onion, as I was fervently hoping when I first heard about it this afternoon. Could the President have telegraphed any more plainly his disdain for those who come here in conformance with our laws? Not to mention for the sovereignty and laws of the United States.
The Obama administration on Tuesday announced a new "public advocate" charged with listening to immigrants' concerns about its law enforcement policies — but Republicans said the position amounts to an official mouthpiece for illegal immigrants being deported.
Further words fail me. Take it, guys.
Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said that meant elevating the concerns of illegal immigrants.“It’s outrageous that the Obama administration has appointed a taxpayer-funded activist for illegal and criminal immigrants who are detained or ordered deported. The administration all too often acts more like a lobbying firm for illegal immigrants than as an advocate for the American people,” Mr. Smith said.
Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican, said the appointment of a taxpayer-funded legal representative for illegal immigrants “continues to ignore the rule of law, which begs the question: Where is the rule of law czar?
“President Obama refuses to enforce immigration law, sues the states that do so and now he’s appointed a czar for illegal immigrants. The president is making a conscious decision to evade Congress in order to appease his base,” Mr. King said. “The president must realize that his job description does not include being an advocate for illegal immigrants. It is defined by his obligation to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.’”
Could it be that Mr. Obama is being swayed by the plight of his aunt and uncle, both of whom reside illegaly in Massachusetts?
Posted by: Warrington Faust at February 10, 2012 7:30 AMCould it be that Mr. Obama is being swayed by the plight of his aunt and uncle, both of whom reside illegaly in Massachusetts?
Posted by: Warrington Faust at February 10, 2012 7:32 AMI wonder if Mr.Obama is being swayed by the illegal presence of his aunt and uncle in Massachusetts.
Seriously, every "right" accorded to illegal immigrants diminishes their illegality. I wonder why I should pay attention to speed limits.
Posted by: Warrington Faust at February 10, 2012 9:16 AMSorry, fat fingered it again.
Posted by: Warrington Faust at February 10, 2012 9:22 AMThis lowlife in the White House is just pulling out all the stops,isn't he?
Posted by: joe bernstein at February 10, 2012 12:35 PMHe really is a "citizen of the world"who couldn't care less about the USA.
He was born in Hawaii but his psyche is out there in international waters.
He was born in Hawaii but his psyche is out there in international waters.
Play around with this and you'll have the beginnings of a song. He was born in Hawaii, but... you have get rid of the international part..too clunky, but you have something there. Just keep fuming and muttering and I'm sure you'll come up with something. Is being in international waters better or worse than being out to lunch? Maybe Monique can take a stab at that one.
Posted by: Phil at February 11, 2012 6:45 AMPhil-you're running out of material-not like there was much to begin with.
Posted by: jope bernstein at February 11, 2012 7:54 AMI think Obama sucks-you want to kiss his ass-so vote for him and I'll vote for whoever opposes him because his policies are like a virus in this country.
Wow, How quickly we forget about Hiu Lui Ng death while in ICE custody. A married father of two with an expired visa.
Posted by: RealCear at February 11, 2012 3:50 PMInstead of knee jerk politics you should worry about due process, for profit jails, and for profit justice.
Wow, How quickly we forget about Hiu Lui Ng death while in ICE custody. A married father of two with an expired visa.
Posted by: RealCear at February 11, 2012 3:50 PMInstead of knee jerk politics you should worry about due process, for profit jails, and for profit justice.
Mr.Ng was in ICE custody legally,but physically in the custody of a private contractor-the ICE supervisor involved has been cleared in Federal court.
Posted by: joe bernstein at February 11, 2012 4:54 PMPrivatizing detention/corrections is a bad idea from any aspect-it may save money,but the price can be too high.
In Hussein's world: Arizona,Alabama,SC,etc are the infidels to be dealt with. The illegals are victims...can't ya see? Oh by the way...illegals are his ace-in-the hole voting base. Just go to the DMV and sign up...no fuss,no muss. Vote twice..the Black Panthers at the polling place will protect your alien rights.
Posted by: ANTHONY at February 12, 2012 11:54 PM