February 17, 2012

In Case You Missed It...
The Cranston School Committtee voted not to appeal the banner ruling, 5-2. Mark Schieldrop of the Cranston Patch liveblogged the proceedings.
Parker Gavigan of WJAR-TV (NBC 10) is in the middle of a two-part report about Central Falls, which includes this detail to be expounded upon...
City records show the chief of staff hired her lawyer's daughter last summer. Her mother worked at City Hall, too.The Drudge link to the story presents Central Falls as the next Bell, California...
Bankrupt RI city pays 2 employees $56,000 a MONTH(The headline refers to Receiver Robert Flanders and Chief-of-Staff Gayle Corrigan).
Rhode Island State police are investigating hundreds of thousands of dollars that the Institute for International Sport, based in South Kingstown and next to the University of Rhode Island campus, though not officially part of the university, cannot account for. John Mulligan of the Projo reports today that the Institute has been a favored recipient of Federal earmarks. According to the Hartford Courant, former Hasboro CEO Alan Hassenfeld's signature was forged on Institute documents, listing him as the Chairman of the Board. Hassenfeld says he was never on the board. The Associated Press has reported that the Institute says it's leaving the state anyway, and that its decision has nothing to do with the investigation into its financial problems.
Maine says it has to let one more county vote (New York Times report, USA Today report), and re-verify some other results, before it can declare a winner in its Republican Presidential caucuses. Ron Paul could still beat Mitt Romney, if and when the final votes are counted.
Flanders sounded and looked like he was lying his ass off in the interview he gave on TV.
Posted by: joe bernstein at February 17, 2012 5:58 PMUnfortunately Flanders does not know how to spell "Ethics" when it comes to this situation. Does the Chief of staff to the president make $26,000 a month? Central falls is 1 square mile,
Posted by: john bucci at February 21, 2012 9:10 PMwhat a joke. As the saying goes " Only in RI".