March 27, 2012

Maybe the Worst Kept Secret
Patrick Laverty
The usual federal income tax filing deadline could be another not great news day for Congressman David Cicilline. It appears that local businessman Anthony Gemma will finally throw his hat in the ring for Rhode Island's District 1 Congressional seat. This morning, via his Twitter account Gemma tweeted:
Big things coming my friends! Save the date April 15th 6pm! Pass it on! ~AnthonyIt's widely assumed that Gemma will run as a Democrat again and take on Cicilline in a primary. However, the Democrat establishment doesn't seem to be taking too kindly to Gemma and already labeling him as a DINO and someone who isn't playing their game. So this could get interesting to see which path Gemma takes. Does he go for the early high risk/reward and take on the badly damaged Cicilline head-on, or does he guarantee himself a shot in November and go the Independent route. I guess we'll see on April 15.
9:30 AM
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An independent run guarantees that Rhode Island will be forced to endure another full year of the prevaricator we elected in 2010. You see, all the normal people will split their votes between Gemma and Doherty and we are screwed.
Posted by: Todd at March 27, 2012 10:47 AM