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October 31, 2012

Whitehouse and Langevin Maintain their Leads in the WPRI Poll

Carroll Andrew Morse

In the other two Federal races in Rhode Island this year, both polled by WPRI-TV (CBS 12), incumbent James Langevin leads challenger Michael Riley 48%-31% (and independent Abel Collins receiving 9% of the vote), and incumbent Senator Sheldon Whitehouse leads challenger Barry Hinckley 55%-33%.


Has anyone noticed how EVERY TV spot for the Dems (in national races) is basically the exact same thing?

"The other guy is a Republican.
Republicans are bad.
Did I mention that the other guy is a Republican?"

It's pretty sad, but that's all they really need to say in this state.

And has anyone also noticed...I think it's a Cicilline ad, that labels their opponent a "Romney Republican" ?? What's that supposed to mean? A (very) moderate republican.... dare I say analogous to a Chafee (Senior) type republican? Didn't RI love Chafee Senior? Why would any Dem run from that?

Strange times indeed.

Posted by: StuckHereinRI at October 31, 2012 10:09 AM

Whitehouse is on the GD budget committee in the Senate and they haven't done their job in what, 4 years? That should be grounds for automatic firing right there.

Posted by: jgardner at October 31, 2012 11:12 AM

"Whitehouse is on the GD budget committee in the Senate and they haven't done their job in what, 4 years? That should be grounds for automatic firing right there."

Budget smudget! This guy got the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act passed. What's more important than that.

"Has anyone noticed how EVERY TV spot for the Dems (in national races) is basically the exact same thing?"

Welcome to the Wizards of Odds.

Gut, cut, and raid! Oh my!
Gut, cut, and raid! Oh my!
Lion and tigers and bears! Oh my!

Of course there isn't an original thought between them but this is Rhode Island. They don't need even a one to get elected.

Posted by: Max D at October 31, 2012 2:11 PM

Let's face it. This is basically the inept Rhode Island Republican party's fault. The put up a nobody, with no political experience, never even run for political office or even worked on a campaign and a campaign staff of children and the expect to win? Fire Zacaria! This boob should never have let this happen I think 33% is generous bet he gets far less than that! What as sad sad joke!!!

Posted by: Sarah at November 1, 2012 12:55 PM