Bob Walsh Needn’t Worry: Bloggers are Reading his Articles, Even When Projo Editors Can’t be Troubled To
I post to defend the honor of Rhode Island chapter of the National Education Association’s Executive Director Robert Walsh. This is the headline of his op-ed that appeared in Sunday’s Projo…
Robert A. Walsh Jr.: Straight-party option serves R.I.Yet beneath the headline, the op-ed makes no claim of the sort…
Second, [Edward Achorn] implied that public-employee unions encouraged people to vote a straight Democratic ticket. This, too, is inaccurate, as almost every Rhode Island union that represents public employees, including the National Education Association Rhode Island, supported candidates from both parties, and often took positions in non-partisan local races, which would not be included when voters “pulled the lever” for one party or another.The second excerpt almost certainly represents Mr. Walsh’s actual view, the discrepancy resulting from the journalistic practice of having someone different from an article’s author write its headline.
Therefore, encouraging straight-party ballot voting would have been counter-productive to the expressed views of these organizations.
However, it may be possible to blame Mr. Walsh just a wee bit for the fact that Projo staffers apparently assume that NEA officers will automatically be advocates for straight-ticket voting.
Thanks, Andrew. I read the headline and was too steamed to read the article. Presumably the same impaired person on the Providence Journal Editorial Board who endorsed the casino and Patrick Lynch also wrote this headline.
Adult illiteracy is nothing to be ashamed of, friend. Help is available – just ask.
Thanks! While the words were all mine, the headline was the Journal’s. I certainly have enough people disagreeing with what I actually say that I don’t need a whole new cadre disagreeing with what they thought I said!
If you’re wondering why so many mistakes have been making it into the ProJo, look no further than the way the corporate overlords in Dallas have gutted the newsroom.