On the Other Hand
Would it be hoping to much to believe that more noises like this might bring advances for the RIGOP in the next election?
House Republicans have promised to boycott all legislative grants in the coming year and have threatened to sue the General Assembly leadership to stop the disbursement of the modest checks to local libraries, senior centers and Little Leagues. …
Murphy and Senate President Joseph A. Montalbano distributed $2.3 million last year in specific grants to community organizations at the request of specific legislators. Most of the checks ranged from $1,000 to $3,000 and went to such entities as the George Hail Free Public Library, in Warren, the Gaspee Days Parade Committee, in Warwick, or Bristol’s King Philip Little League.
All grants are individually reviewed and decided on by the House speaker or Senate president. …
The issue came up on the House floor last week when Gorham asked the full chamber to approve checks he had received recently as part of last year’s legislative grant disbursement. After House Majority Leader Gordon Fox objected, the speaker shut off Gorham, who had three checks in hand: $1,000 for the Tyler Free Library, $1,500 for the West Glocester Fire Department, and $1,000 for the Foster Ambulance Corps.
Keep forcing the Democrats to “object” and to “shut [you] off.” What the situation requires is light; simple reasonableness and decency will do the rest.