Political Blogfire
Brown student Sara Sunshine’s article on the local region of the blogosphere is a worthy offering — much better than I’d feared, having been forewarned of Crowley’s involvement. What better comment on the quirky, intangible power of blogging could there be than Ms. Sunshine’s inclusion of a quotation from the post in which I mentioned our interview. And it was certainly good of her to give me the last word with this:
Crowley is “more of a rhetorician than an intellectual,” Katz told The Herald. “And not a very good one at that.”
For the record, I’m pretty sure that I said, “I made a joke when we started Anchor Rising…”
“If a hundred libertarians jumped on the site and started posting libertarian stuff, that’s what we’d be reading,” Jerzyk said. He also said the site is open to everyone and draws many conservative commentators.
What a crock. They actively ban the IPs of anyone who disagrees with them. They banned mine and it was either for linking to an infamous picture of Crowley or rating comments negatively, not sure which pushed them over the edge.
The message is: if you disagree, you should be silenced.
I read the article-it was very balanced considering the source.
Crowley calling AR “borderline fascist”is typical of his immature attitude.It would be easy to call him a communist,but wearing a duck suit doesn’t equate with manning a barricade.He seems more an opportunist who uses overheated rhetoric to secure his job position and consequently fill his pockets.I get the impression he believes very little of what he says.
Slimebag Jerzyk banned this libertarian.
Mike, if Jerzyk specialized in libel and slander law, he’d have let you just keep on doing what you do. He (and perhaps Justin, based on the thread below) would be saving you more money than switching to Geico would.
As has often been stated, “the truth is an absolute defense to libel”.
For the record, one of my IPs was banned over there a while back (when I actually bothered to post stuff regularly during the Laffey/Chafee days), but in their defense: I’m quite sure that they didn’t know it was mine, so I don’t take it personally. Secondly, I have no proof that it was done manually by their site administrator. It is quite possible that their blog software does that sort of thing automatically. On the other hand, the site admin might have a thing against conservative POVs.
PS There are programs, as well as proxy servers available online which can either block or disguise your IP address, if that’s a recurring issue — usually for a fee, but there are a few out there for free.
I think they banned my IP,but I never posted.Maybe they knew who I was from my posts on N4N.Whatever you want to say about Ian he doesn’t block IP’s–and I have found that Daily Dose doesn’t either although what I post there is definitely against the flow of their thinking.
Dvaid Segal is another thin skineed blogger.he can’t win an honest debate.I saw him at the statehouse testifying on his own bill and he seemed nonplussed by some of the questions.
PS There are programs, as well as proxy servers available online which can either block or disguise your IP address, if that’s a recurring issue — usually for a fee, but there are a few out there for free.
Posted by Will at April 18, 2008 12:11 PM
I’d be interested in getting some of those URL’s. I see some free ones that allow you to SURF anonymously but never any which allow you to post. For the record I have been banned now 3 times at RIFututure for non-obscene dissident posts ridiculing the Politburo line.
I don’t believe Mike’s claims of non-obscene posts. He’s F-bombed me.
Rhody-I have seen quite a few f-bombs on RIF and Prov Daily Dose-not all directed at individuals,but still used-what’s the big deal?It’s writing,not broadcasting.There is nop FCC for speech,except threats of course.
Joe, F-bombs don’t really offend me, either. It’s Mike’s attempt to pass himself off as Mr. Clean that offends me.