Remember Those Old “Unclear on the Concept” Cartoons from The Far Side

This is not from The Onion. According to a survey conducted by the very reputable Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life

  • 15% of atheists are fairly or absolutely certain that God exists.
  • 29% of agnostics do not believe in God.

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16 years ago

To further muddy the issue…
I believe the entity you call “God” existed. I also believe that it wasn’t the omnipotent, Santa-like sees you when you’re sleeping, knows when you’re awake -type being that you think it ‘is’.
I think it’s closer to the “Stargate” model of deity. And it’s long gone.
Heaven is a myth created to make you behave like good little sheeple.
Satan is the boogeyman in the closet.

16 years ago

…and Greg is the Great OZ!

16 years ago

That poll found people of strong faith more willing to believe that other faiths could find the path to heaven, too.
That tells me that Americans of faith are becoming (dare I say it?) more liberal about others’ beliefs. That is very encouraging.

16 years ago

In other news water is now dry.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

I think that we,infinitesmal parts of the whole ,are being incredibly arrogant when we think we can “understand” the Creator.
The Big Bang Theory only means there was a match and fuel.They didn’t make themselves.We can’t understand concepts like infinity and forever meaning time going back or forward,so we should be humble in the presence of creation.So-I could never be an atheist,but by the same token,I can’t follow a man-made religion with interminable silly rules to control people.
I’m not an agnostic-I don’t doubt that there is an omnipotent intelligence running everything.
I don’t mind references to God in public life-I myself say the 23rd Psalm every day because I believe it voices my acceptance of a higher power without necessarily defining exactly what it is.
As far as God in our daily lives knowing “if we’re bad or good”-I truly don’t know,but it’s possible.
I believe in prayer,but don’t ask me to be rational about it because I can’t be.I don’t necessarily think that in the arena of belief rationality is a prerequisite.
I can say one thing I’ve observed-I was in the last high school graduating class year(1963) to have school prayer(the 23rd psalm no less)and since that time the quality of schools has declined.I’ll leave it to whoever reads this to make what they will of that.
The vehemence of Steven Brown and his ACLU cohorts in their frantic attacks on public expressions of faith have me wondering about whether in fact there are satanic agents wandering the earth.

16 years ago

I don’t get the meaning of this topic. Is the topic that atheists and agnostics are confused?
Atheists have NO belief in any deity.
Agnostics believe in ‘some’ type of deity.
FWIW, there is a God and he reveals himself in every moment of every day. He is always available to us and it’s our choice to believe or not.
I truly believe it’s a personal decision but I don’t get this post unless it is to show the inconsistencies of those who think they know themselves.

16 years ago

What I love most about Christians is their righteous indignation and bottomless condescension.

16 years ago

“You don’t think it’s a little strange that 15% of atheists, defined as people who don’t believe in God, say they believe in God?”
I think it’s proof that stupidity is universal. Or that the questions were worded in vague enough ways to have screwed up the data sample.

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