A Memory Revisited
Way back in the early ’80s, HBO used to show video shorts between movies, and one of them (which I only recall seeing once) really made an impression on me. So much so that I’ve found it coming to mind from time to time ever since.
Well, wouldn’t you know, YouTube has “Arcade Attack” in both the long and cut to the good part versions. It’s clearly outdated, but it still holds up pretty well.
Now if somebody would post episodes of Under the Mountain, perhaps I could start making sense of my childhood…
I remember ths- upon seeing it again. Thanks for the memory jog. Smells were always my memory keys- still are. But I remember this movie- I was working in the Warwick Fire Department- I think Station 4-I was a floater then-working the fill-in positions- the firefighters that worked there had pirated HBO- it was the first I had seen HBO. Just seeing the YouTube segment released some powerful memories of those wild and crazy days.