ProJo Endorses Obama

I wonder if local liberals feel like they’re in bizarro world? What to do when the much maligned “BeloJo” endorses The One?

The next president will have to deal with a Congress that, although almost certainly Democratic, will sometimes want to go its own way. And all successful American politicians must be willing to shift course and endlessly experiment in that broad center that Americans want to stay in.
“We do not know what the future will bring except that it will be different from any future we could predict,” said John Maynard Keynes. So above all, our choice comes down to broad themes and a sense of a candidate’s judgment, temperament and experience, and hence ability to lead the country as unforeseen events roll in. Thus we endorse Barack Obama.

There’s that word “temperament” again and they favor Obama’s over McCain’s. Like others, the ProJo editors put much stock in Obama’s “experience” of running his own Presidential campaign while ignoring that this agent of change and reconciliation has rarely, if ever, reached across the political aisle to work with his ideological opponents. But they have faith that he will now, even with a Democratic Congress. All in all, it’s of a piece of other endorsements that have been coming out in favor of Sen. Obama. Style and promise trumps all. And it apparently goes unrecognized that–if you strip it all away–what you have is a candidate who has spent his relatively short political career advocating for….himself.

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15 years ago

Well, obviously the corporate overlords at the Projo via Dallas see something in Obama that they like.
Let’s see, they endorsed Rep. Barney Frank, then Rep. Patrick Kennedy, and them we’re supposed to feign surprise at an Obama endorsement? I don’t think so.
This should put to rest once and for all the lie that the Projo is a “Republican” paper. I don’t think they been one since about the time of the Civil War.
This is a hoot and very telling of the lack of journalistic or any other standards there: “So above all, our choice comes down to broad themes and a sense of a candidate’s judgment, temperament and experience, and hence ability to lead the country as unforeseen events roll in.”
Wouldn’t then this paragraph (excepting “temperament” for the moment) make more sense with a “thus, despite his shortcomings, we support John McCain?”
PS “Temperament” might be an important consideration when selecting a puppy from a pet store, but since when did that become a qualification for the Presidency?

15 years ago

Let’s face it folks, people voting in this election appear to have an American Idol mentality. The media has driven this campaign to where it is. This candidate, Obama, has little experience in politics or real employment, but the media says Sarah Palin has no experience. Think about it, Obama has about as much experience in politics as those nitwits on Smith Hill. I don’t even want those folks running RI, never mind the USA. Yikes!

15 years ago

Could it be that temperment is Liberal code for black.

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