Tim Williamson on Taxes

State Representative Tim Williamson (D-West Warwick) speaking today on the Dan Yorke show (WPRO 630AM)…

There won’t be any new taxes. There might be increases to old taxes.
Is the Democratic position on the budget beginning to take shape?

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Tom W
Tom W
16 years ago

>>There won’t be any new taxes. There might be increases to old taxes.
Since there are already sales taxes, income taxes, excise taxes and property taxes, they can’t create any “new” taxes.
I assume that he meant no expansion of what particular items are covered by the sales tax?
In any case, ANY increase in ANY tax is unacceptable.
We should be looking at eliminating whole categories of taxes – merely benchmark New Hampshire which operates better than we do with no sales or income tax.
The General Assembly is determined that we keep following down Michigan’s path of continual economic decline and increasing poverty and population loss. Little wonder that our cratered roads and bridges resemble those of Detroit – they a symptomatic and symbolic of the path that we are on.
The real shame is that Rhode Island has so much potential and could enjoy great prosperity. But it won’t so long as the General Assembly has its way – the parasitic special interests that control it will just keep feeding off of us until we, the host, is dead.
Move out if you can, the future here is, I’m afraid, very bleak.

16 years ago

Move out if you can, the future here is, I’m afraid, very bleak.
Posted by Tom W at January 5, 2009 5:16 PM
You got that right.
Although, with the defeats of Issa, Momtalbano and Alves I am getting info that the GA is loathe to pass any state taxes over the governor’s veto. They will pass the buck to the cities with huge cuts in local aid and the resulting property tax hikes.
As for our “hero” governor, if he doesn’t get on TV Wednesday and DEMAND the GA:
1. Eliminate defined pensions-state and municipal.
2. Get the state out of the babysitting business.
3. Start a 2 year welfare/Rite Care cap. A REAL cap-not one loaded with “hardship waivers”-which EVERYONE applies for, and gets.
4. Repeal the Caroulo Act, the insane arbitration acts and the mandates-
I suggest he resign, move to his Florida condo and leave us to the tender mercies of the brilliant (LOL) Liz Roberts, who will guarantee a Laffey win in 2010.

16 years ago

“There won’t be any new taxes. There might be increases to old taxes.”
Whew! I don’t know about anyone else but I sure feel better ..

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