What Does Handing Out Drivers Licenses to Undocumented Immigrants Have to Do with Regulating the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages?
It appears that Senator Charles Levesque (D-Bristol, Portsmouth) is once again attempting, minus the kickback, to pick up the slack left by Dolores Rodrigues LaFlamme. Incongruently buried in Bill S0142 entitled “An Act Relating to Alcoholic Beverages — Regulation of Sales” is a substantial modification of the requirements to obtain a Rhode Island drivers license or official state identification; namely, the requirement to demonstrate proof of citizenship or legal residency. In fact, page seven, lines 23 – 25 explicitly state
Proof of lawful presence in the United States shall not be required in order to qualify for an operator’s license. An applicant shall not be denied an operator’s license based solely upon his/her immigration status.
Why is this being done stealthily, under the cover of a completely unrelated bill? If modification of such requirements is a good idea, why can it not be a separate, properly labeled bill, the merits of which can then be openly debated?
>>If modification of such requirements is a good idea, why can it not be a separate, properly labeled bill, the merits of which can then be openly debated?
What’s that saying that goes something like “to ask the question is to answer it?”
This needs to be front page news. Expose all these American-hating politicians and identify them for what they are!
Levesque is an arrogant,obnoxious ACLU rump swab.What can one expect from such a lump of cowflop?
People are onto the bundling of bills, so now these legislative creep are hiding them in other bills that really have nothing to do with the original bill. We have to keep an eye on their hide and seek games. I am sure they will do alot of damage with this technique this year. I bet education, tax, and labor bills will be interesting. I guess we will have to pry open all the bills with key words and see if they are what they seem. Too bad the electorate doesn’t smarten up and get rid of these horrid legislators. I have a friend who says we should have a voter unregistration drive instead of a registration drive. That may be a good way to go.
“I have a friend who says we should have a voter unregistration drive instead of a registration drive.”
Your friend makes an interesting suggestion, Kathy!