Strength Is Relative, I Guess
The headline for the article on the governor’s race that Andrew mentioned at lunchtime (and that Matt Allen‘s teasers say he’ll be discussing, tonight) bears the title, “Strong field surfaces in race for governor,” both in print and online. I can’t help but wonder whether this is really what qualifies as a “strong field” in Rhode Island.
Sure, they’re all well known politicians to those who follow state politics, but as a quick anecdote for context: I was about to bring up the Gordon Fox cartoon controversy among the carpenters at lunch, today, but stopped when I realized how much explanation I’d have to offer regarding the key players. Promoting “the general treasurer, a former senator and the attorney general” as a contest of strength proves nothing so much as the lack of anything beyond the public sector, in Rhode Island.
Where are the business tycoons? The media magnates? Is there anybody in the private sector who would justify an “ooo” from the citizenry? Sure, as the article says, Rory Smith is at the precipice of jumping in, but most of you just asked, “Who?” Former Cranston Mayor and current hermit Steve Laffey would be a “strong candidate,” but shouldn’t there be at least a handful of names that we could put on a list for a fantasy political race? (In addition to Elisabeth Hasselbeck, of course.)
This state needs something other than government. And when it comes to government, it needs people from outside of the establishment. I mean, come on:
Their friendship dates to high school, where they played on competing basketball teams for rival schools, Caprio for Bishop Hendricken and Lynch for St. Raphael Academy.
“I used to cover him because I was usually assigned to cover the top scorer on the other team,” Caprio says of Lynch. “I think we beat them every time.”
Lynch offered this response: “You’ve got to love that Harvard wit and Hendricken Pride and admire them both. It goes to show that there’s spin in both sports stories and politics.”
Haven’t you had enough, Rhode Island? (Whether to include that comma required deliberation…)
This, by the way, is worth note taking:
“On social issues, I have a track record of not dictating to people how they should lead their lives,” said Caprio, who is pro-choice and supports gay marriage.
Guess we’ve moved from field-prepping to primary positioning.
Um, since when did Frank become pro-choice? It has always been my understanding that he is pro-life.
Or is this just another example of journalistic license by someone? I’d really like a clarification.
The sad thing is that for Caprio to put an (L) next to his name instead of a (D) would make perfect sense for him ideologically, it would change nothing about how good of a candidate he was, and it would be a political death sentence for him. Just shows how stacked and rotten to the core our pay-to-play two-party system is.
The only pro-life candidate in the current field for Governor is…. no one.
My hunch is that the mod-squad’s “prominent former elected official” will also be pro-choice. Isn’t that he whole point of their existence?
Does anyone know Mr. Smith’s position on Life?
I didn’t realize Frank was pro-choice, either. My impression has been that he’ll tightrope on social issues as long as he can get away with it.
I just wonder if either side trusts him at this point.