Reform? or Abolish? What is the Real Goal?

A couple of points for commentators and advocates who are happily parroting the lies of the msm (Heather MacDonald at City Journal sets the record straight) to vilify the new Arizona law and, purportedly, to demand reform of our federal laws.
1.) The Arizona law was carefully written to mirror federal immigration law, which had already included the requirement, for example, that legal immigrants carry papers on them at all times and specifically does not permit arbitrary fishing expeditions for illegal immigrants, whether they are driving down the road or out for ice cream with their family. (Shame on you, Mr. President, for creating this myth.) This leads inexorably to the question: is the real objection here to the existence of any kind of immigration law?
2.) Foreign Policy magazine points out that, despite what you might think from all of the wailing and breast-beating, neither the United States nor Arizona has particularly harsh immigration laws. On their list – which inexplicably does not include Mexico – of the top five, they name Italy and Switzerland, but not the US. Again, is it possible that what advocates find harsh is the mere existence of borders and a very reasonable immigration law?

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Mike Cappelli
Mike Cappelli
13 years ago

A perfect example of the malleable morality of liberals. Truth, facts, and reason have no place in their character. It’s what sounds good that matter, not the simple legal and common sense attributes of that they disagree with. Which is why you cannot trust liberals. Like prozac induced nuts, you never know what to expect from them. I have one questions for the liberals, what other laws should we selectively ignore…cocaine trafficking, child rape?? What are you feeling today?

13 years ago

The only point to argue with an opponent is whether they are open borders advocates.
If they are, then there’s no point in discussing why. They’re loons.
The other opponents seem to think they somehow have the right to stay because American companies hired, profited and grew because of their cheap labor. I actually understand their point because the cheap labor set has understood laws were overlooked so they could work for cheap.
However, they must be taught that the businesses that hired them also need to be severely punished as well and this is where the AZ law falls short.
Until the Fed law imposes harsh, and I do mean harsh, fines and mandatory plant closings, this illegal alien workforce will live on but not in AZ.
I’m 100% eVerify and 100% of the ‘if you are an illegal then get the hell out’ kind of guy.
I’ve zero sympathy for them. They knew the risks.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

They found their way here and can find it back.There is no physical means available to deport 12-20 million people,and frankly i wouldn’t want to see it tried because of the massive disruption to normal society it would cuse.The best solution is to arrest and deport dangerous(criminally involved or subervsive)and make life so miserable for the rest(no jobs,routine health care,benefits,public housing,etc)that they leave.
We cannot afford to continue on with a total lack of control over immigration.
They can take their American advocate friends with them.I’m sure those troublemakers would find little patience for their BS in some of those lands.Matter of fact,some of them would probably be “‘dobe walled”.Or “disappeared”.

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
13 years ago

What can we expect in a country where even the President won’t “show us his papers”.
Now there are reports of Canadians sneaking down to do the work “Mexicans won’t do”.
Sorry, this is just wearing me out.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

That’s the point Warrington,the “advocates” like Peter Asen and Shana Kurland and politicians like Luis Gutierrez and David Segal want us to feel worn out so they can carry out their nefarious open borders policy.
Sunlight is the best antidote for stopping them.

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
13 years ago

I’m afraid you are right. If it continues long enough, if the illegals protest long enough, if the government does nothing long enough; anything will seem like something. I think they like to call it “closure”.

Mike Cappelli
Mike Cappelli
13 years ago

Here is a great explanation on why we need immigration reform:

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
13 years ago

Here is a bit of “spam” I just got, thought it was good enough to include:
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.

arturo fernandez
arturo fernandez
13 years ago

Boycott fascist Arizona! Or as Jonah Godberg would say if he were honest, fascistic Arizona.

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