UPDATE: A Short-Lived Order Protecting Short-Lived Human Beings

Remember that executive order that supposedly gave pro-life Democrats cover to vote for Obamacare? Oh well:

[House Republican Leader John] Boehner [of Ohio] and other Republicans point to reports that the Health and Human Services Department is giving Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new high-risk insurance pool that will cover any abortion that is legal in the state.

According to Boehner, the response of the Obama administration to inquiries has been not to respond. People may pretend otherwise, but I don’t think anybody actually doubted this outcome. Hopefully, the current election cycle will prove that burying the truth in subtext will not avert consequences. Also hopefully, as I suggested this morning, a shift of power won’t merely change the direction of the corruption.
On the matter of funding abortion, though, I remain concerned that recent jurisprudence out of Massachusetts, concerning same-sex marriages, there, may lead federal courts to invalidate the federal government’s ability to place such strings and restrictions on the use of our money.
After this matter began to draw attention, the Department of Health and Human Services released the following statement:

As is the case with FEHB plans currently, and with the Affordable Care Act and the President’s related Executive Order more generally, in Pennsylvania and in all other states abortions will not be covered in the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) except in the cases of rape or incest, or where the life of the woman would be endangered.
Our policy is the same for both state and federally-run PCIP programs. We will reiterate this policy in guidance to those running the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan at both the state and federal levels. The contracts to operate the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan include a requirement to follow all federal laws and guidance.

Note, however, that this post had to do with a high risk insurance pool, not a PCIP. Perhaps it’s an unnecessary distinction, but I’ll believe it when I see the subsequent release. Note, also, that pro-abortion groups appear to believe that this statement changes things.

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David P
David P
13 years ago

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Obama is making a habit of not enforcing laws he doesn’t like. Why should we believe he would enforce his own executive order?

13 years ago

Soon, right-to-lifers will face a horrible decision at tax time: risk liberty and property or pay for abortions. Consciences will hurt.

13 years ago

“Soon, right-to-lifers will face a horrible decision at tax time: risk liberty and property or pay for abortions.”
Welcome to the libertarian dilemma, Republicans: pay for violence against innocent people or have your house stolen. But your right to vote makes it all okay… or something.

13 years ago

“On the evening of July 14, HHS also released a statement which declared that “in Pennsylvania and in all other states abortions will NOT be covered in the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) except in the cases of rape or incest, or where the life of the woman would be endangered.” They also declared that their policy “is the same for both state and federally-run PCIP programs.”
Cardinal DiNardo welcomed the HHS statement

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