A Vague Election Night Mood
For some reason, I’ve been glum, today. Stresses at work have much to do with it, to be sure, but some of my mood has to do with concern about what voters will do, tonight. What portion of voters have even a generally accurate sense of the people and policies for which they’re voting tonight? That cuts both ways, of course, although it’s a particularly dangerous question and answer in Rhode Island.
But then a couple of findings in my evening reading brought a paradoxical improvement in my mood. First was something that Ted Nesi gleaned for his election night liveblog:
Another fascinating data point from the national exit polls — “about 4 in 10 voters said that they supported the Tea Party movement,” according to The New York Times.
That’s not exactly where us Tea Party types would want that number to be. But then I came across this AP story, to which the Providence Journal gave the following headline and lead:
Vote outcome could add to uncertainty, Analysts doubt expected GOP gains will spark business growth
Here’s a taste of reporter Paul Wiseman’s piece:
A standoff between the Obama administration and emboldened Republicans will probably block any new help for an economy squeezed by slow growth and high unemployment. Congress might also create paralyzing uncertainty for investors and businesses by fighting over taxes, deficits, health care and financial regulation.
My first instinct, of course, was to argue: That just means that the Republicans must have enough of a majority to overpower the President; at least he’ll do less harm for the last two years of his term; there will be no uncertainty if the Republicans just full-out undo what the Democrats have done to our country; and so on. But then it occurred to me that Wiseman and the AP are just trying to stoke any lingering doubts among independents and Democrats who might be considering some Republican candidates, today. The same is true of the New York Times (although, not, I’m pretty sure, Ted Nesi).
In short: The mainstream media is on the Democrats’ side. Just look at the Providence Journal’s endorsements. That being the case, it’s foolish to take anything less concrete than actual election results as accurate… especially if it appears in a mainstream publication. Me, I’ll be getting the important, RI-based news of the evening from the Board of Elections.
“there will be no uncertainty if the Republicans just full-out undo what the Democrats have done to our country”
I keep hearing members of the media trying to scare people with that type of line and of course, most people aren’t smart enough to figure it out for themselves. Paul Krugman of the NYT said that a Republican Congress would repeal the health care bill.
That’s false. Let’s review. The way you repeal a law is to pass a new one that overrides the old one. So let’s say both houses of Congress gain a Republican majority, probably by the thinnest of margins (51 to 49), hope no one breaks ranks and send the bill to the President’s desk. “Here Barack, here’s a bill that guts the major accomplishment of your administration! Wanna sign it?”
Then when he vetoes it, the Republicans don’t have the votes for override.
People can feel safe that even a Republican House and Senate cannot undo what has been done for the last two years.
Let’s hope that they cannot, Patrick. Let’s hope they cannot!