An Invitation to Michele Bachmann

On behalf of no recognized or legitimate authority whatsoever (i.e. staying true to my blogging roots), I invite United States Congresswoman and possible long-shot Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann to round out her knowledge of New England history by paying a visit to my neighborhood, the Edgewood and Pawtuxet sections of Cranston and Warwick, Rhode Island, during the second weekend of June, where she can watch the annual reenactment of the burning of the HMS Gaspee — sometimes referred to as “the first blow for freedom” struck by the American colonies against the British — and perhaps meet a few folks who will be able to convince her that not everyone in New England outside of New Hampshire is part of a monolithic political culture (although we understand how non-New Englanders might sometimes see it that way time), and that there’s still much life left in Alexis de Tocqueville’s observation that New England is the home to the closest thing to the democratic (small-d) ideal that the modern world has ever seen.

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joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Dumb a**wipe.I really can’t stand ignorant remarks from those who either carry public responsibility or hope to.
Doesn’t matter which side of the fence they’re on either.

13 years ago

Read Charles Rappelye’s book “the Brown Brothers” and the possible involvement of John Brown in the Gaspee incident.

13 years ago

Ms. Bachmann may also want to acquaint herself with the other side of the coin by reading Oscar Wilde’s comment that, “The United States went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.”

13 years ago

Bachmann is an insufferable fool.

13 years ago

The left is hoping Bachmann is on the ticket!
SNL did a great opening with march madness this week and Bachmann was in the lead of the crazies from DC bracket. Looks like she was going to take on Charlie Sheen out of the Hollywood bracket in the finals!

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
13 years ago

For all Bachman’s errors, we should realize that New England is perceived as a “monolitihic political culture”.
I don’t think Scott Brown has made enough noise to alter that. In the last year I have met several people from Georgia and Alabama, they were openly amazed to meet a Republican in New England.

13 years ago

Not trying to put a dampener on anything but three Japanese nuclear reactors have suffered hydrogen gas buildup explosions damaging the outer buildings, all three backup cooling systems have failed on each one and the reactor cores are near or are starting meltdowns and radiation levels are beginning to increase up to 100 miles away up wind which by the way blows west to east towards the U.S.A. and Canada meaning a large release of radioactive material due to explosion forcing it up into the atmosphere can be in the U.S.A. mainland in 7 days. A fourth nuclear reactor is now on fire and there are two more nuclear reactors suffering emergency problems.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Ken-that’s out of anybody’s hands.There isn’t anyplace for the radiation to go where it won’t expose people.
Bachmann is a more manageable issue.

13 years ago

Look, it’s easy to get confused, what with the US having 57 states …

13 years ago

You beat me to it Monique. I was going to mention that far more embarrassing gaffe.
Btw have you taken note how venomously personal the left is towards Conservative women? The left’s sexism is just as virulent as their racism but they’re much more open in expressing it.
Joe what exactly is the Bachmann “issue” that needs to be managed???????

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

She has a tendency to run off at the mouth a little like Sharron Angle(who I blame for losing a Senate seat).
Bachmann also got involved in the birther nonsense.
Vote the bastard out in 2012-stop harping on the “born in Kenya”thing.
I can’t stand Obama,but her antics can be counterproductive.
BTW I’m not a Palin fan either.
I do like Hailey and Martinez and some conservative women commentators-it doesn’t matter if they’re women-are they effective in the long term?Bachmann might not be.

bill rappleye
bill rappleye
13 years ago

she ought to read Charles Rappleye’s new book, ‘Robert Morris: Financier of the American Revolution’, and see our country wouldn’t exist without taxes.

13 years ago

bill rappleye
Sorry I screwed up the spelling of your name and the title of your brother’s book, “The Sons of Providence”.

Scott Bill Hirst
Scott Bill Hirst
13 years ago

I was please to get a couple of photographs of myself with Michelle Bachmann which one has been given to The Westerly Sun. I do not know when and if they will run it.
I was not not able to get one last year at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) but succeeded this year. As an elected official I have no problem appearing in print with her. No candidate or official is perfect. Like her or not, she is one of the more interesting GOP personalities on the national scene.
I assume Bill Rappleye will interview the new state GOP chair, but I hope he does not forget the other “movers & shakers” in the R.I. GOP including RIRA,. While I am not a member of the latter organizations, I find many of them the backbone of the R.I. GOP,.
Scott Bill Hirst
Member, Hopkinton Town Council
Member from Hopkinton, R.I., Republican State Central Committee

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Rapelye Street in Brooklyn only has one “p”.I may have screwed up the spelling though.
With half the streets in Brooklyn named after Dutch,Huguenots,and various other ethnic groups you’d win a spelling bee by just looking at a street map.
Kosciusko Street case in point-or Herzl Street,another beauty.
And Brooklyn has two Ford Streets and two Manhattan Avenues,gotta love it.

Douglas Farnum
Douglas Farnum
13 years ago

Oh, give her a pass. She probably flew into Logan and on her drive up to NH, passed by tony, liberal, snotty, Concord MA and thought to herself, there’s no way the American Revolution could have happened here and subliminally channelled it over to Concord NH.
I grew up in Mass., but can honestly say I find Concord, NH a more welcoming place for patriots.

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