East Providence Headed for a Fiscal Overseer?
Ted Nesi of WPRI-TV (CBS 12) is reporting that Chafee administration is close to applying the state’s municipal fiscal stabilization law to the City of East Providence.
According to the WPRI report, East Providence wouldn’t go immediately into receivership, as Central Falls did, but would have a fiscal overseer appointed for them by the state.
The three stages of control where the state transfers power away from a municipal government and voters are available here.
Wow, great move EP voters to get rid of that Tony Carcieri crew.
I think the most surprising part is that city #2 is EP. There are probably at least five other cities I would have guessed before EP.
As H.L. Mencken is said to have said:
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
I’m hoping that people will use some common sense in the 2012 local elections and not be so susceptible to union propaganda. The current folks up there don’t even know what they don’t know. They probably have good intentions, but that’s about it.
Excellent. Send in Robert Flanders.
Ditto what Patrick said about ousting the Carcieri/Larisa/Cusack crowd. Note to unionistas in EP and around the state: it’s pointless to put your puppet candidates in if your spend-happy policies only serve to transfer power from your puppets to an all-powerful receiver.
“I’m hoping that people will use some common sense in the 2012 local elections and not be so susceptible to union propaganda.”
Good luck on that one. You sound like an ant-worker rayzist homerphobe who wants to starve poor people and eat them.
“You sound like an ant-worker rayzist homerphobe who wants to starve poor people and eat them.”
Roger the rayzist homerphobe part. But wouldn’t it be better to fatten up the poor people before eating them???
Jonathan Swift
The state told the school committee not to vote on the new teachers contract. The union hacks have ruined this state, and the cities and towns within it. This state will be a ghost town. There won’t be anyone interested in starting a business, buying a home, or sending their children to our schools. Nice job. I guess they call this “Townie Pride” in East Providence
By gump, the School Committee just fired (without cause) Superintendent Mario Cirillo, though. That’ll teach ’em!!!