Woonsocket Call Reverts Almost Entirely to Paper Paper
You used to be able to read the Woonsocket Call on-line. Sometime in the last ten days, however, that changed. Now, when you click on an article, you get only the first paragraph or two followed by a non-clickable directive. Example below from today’s (I think) paper.
WOONSOCKET — After receiving a quarter of its state aid nine months earlier than it normally would have, the Woonsocket Education Department will pay off more than $11 million in overdue vendor bills by the end of the week.
The state-appointed Budget Commission approved the first payout of $2.5 million to Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Rhode Island last week, and on Monday authorized another payment of more than $2.3 million to 11 more vendors. The recipients got first dibs on the cash because they were owed at least $100,000 longer than 90 days, said Schools Supt. Giovanna Donoyan.
Read more in our print edition.
Reporters, editors and photographers are entitled to make a living. More importantly, anything resembling good government requires a robust and inquisitive press . The Call’s “new” approach of directing the reader to “older” technology would seem like a step backwards. At the same time, haven’t newspapers which have switched to an electronic format and a paywall done so with mixed results? I wish the Call all the best with this endeavor. We need them and all newspapers to find their footing in electronic territory … even if it’s firmly among the (dead) trees.
The Call hasn’t been worth the paper it’s printed on in 25 years.
Funny, when I moved to woony a while back I got the call in my mailbox for free. I still get it stuffed into my mail box regularly but i dont pay a dime for it, and I rarely read it. I get almost all my news online, with only my WSJ in paper. Im not seeing how this makes them more profitable? taking the online presence back a notch, in favor of a free print edition? Must be some sweet ad space…