Tuesday’s Lesson – Change Starts Locally
We’ve said this around here, well, forever. Justin even gave it a shot in Tiverton and exposed the depth of depravity of the true political insiders. But that the road can be tough shouldn’t dissuade conservatives and moderates from seeking elected office and making some local change. As Stephen Kruiser writes:
It’s important for more conservatives to get involved at the school board level not only because it pushes back on leftist indoctrination curricula, but because it keeps Democrats off of the boards. Dems have long used school boards as a sort of farm system for their politicians with national ambitions.
Sounds familiar. Conservatives and moderates need to stop entering the political fray for the first time by running for Congress or Governor. We know our own communities and the real, day-to-day concerns of our neighbors. Think globally, act locally and all that.