Is Rhode Island too small for its own citizens’ good?

One part of my diagnosis of Rhode Island’s problems is that it’s just not big enough for opposing factions to build up and keep each other honest in state-level government.  Pushback against the New York governor’s mask mandate at the county level brough that to mind:

At least 13 counties in New York state are telling newly-tapped Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul that they will not be enforcing her mask mandate on private businesses — and some of the county leaders are letting their displeasure over the “dictate” be known.

According to the New York Post, Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus ripped Hochul, telling the governor he opposes “using Gestapo tactics and going business to business and asking them if they are enforcing masking.”

Of course, we don’t have county governments in RI, and the municipalities are all very close and very dependent on the state government, so resistence generally has to come from outside of government.

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