Who is the target of the nurses union’s videos?

The stories of the Rhode Island nurses featured in videos that their union is producing to promote COVID vaccination are compelling, but I have to wonder what their real purpose is.

If the designers sat down for even a short meeting and gave real thought to who it is that isn’t getting vaccinated, I don’t see any way they’d conclude that guilt-trip and scare videos would be the best solution.  Consequently, the videos seem targeted at the union’s core audience, which is probably almost entirely vaccinated.  So what is the real purpose?

If the videos are genuinely targeted toward the unvaccinated, then hopeful testimony about better outcomes and the safety of the vaccines would be better.  If the videos are meant as a bank-shot move to pressure authorities to increase the number of nurses and their pay, then playing into the blame-game against people who aren’t vaccinated is the wrong move.

Maybe the folks behind such videos really aren’t capable of understanding people who don’t follow their lead.

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