Ready to rethink your centralized government philosophy, Steve?

I have to chuckle when I see a progressive like Steve Ahlquist pen an article with a headline like, “A corrupt process from the core, Rhode Island redistricting wraps up.”

I mean, a corrupt redistricting process is about as surprising as a hangover after a long night of drinking without water breaks, and progressives are all about that big government bender.  Notice the number of words Steve spends faulting Republicans for not pushing back on Democrats enough, even as he’s silent about anything at all his progressive Democrat allies might have done.

Why is this so difficult to understand?  Three things — and only three things — will limit corruption in government. One, reduce its power to the point that moral incentives have a chance against corrupt incentives.  Two, tolerate a split political system in which the powerful know their opponents may soon wield the power they assert right now.  And three, foster countervailing powers in society with their own incentives to keep government in check.

Progressives oppose all three, because their guiding light is a world in which they have the power to do everything as they believe it should be done.  That is also why we can be sure they’d be just as corrupt (or worse) if they ever take control.

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