State of the State: Aaron Guckian for Lieutenant Governor

Aaron Guckian for Lt. Governor (10/11/22) from John Carlevale on Vimeo.

Guest: Aaron Guckian , Candidate for Lt. Governor,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Guckian asserts that qualifications matter in the Lt. Governor’s race before he begins his review of his work experience whiles explaining his view of the office and his fit and goals. Part of the job is meeting with the people and agencies the Lt. Gov. oversees. He points out that Sabina Matos has been characteristically absent from these. In response to how he compares and contrasts himself with Matos, Guckian shows his past experience and familiarity with the workings of government as a distinct advantage. A message he repeats: “Matos doesn’t show up!” “She is not here.”

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