Credit where it’s due on RI voter roll birthdays.

If this is true, Secretary of State Gregg Amore deserves credit for undoing at least one instance of the state Democrat Party and Nellie Gorbea’s invitation to voter fraud:

RI Secretary of State Gregg Amore just corrected a wrong made by his predecessor, Nellie Gorbea. In 2017, she unilaterally changed a policy to only provide years of birth in the RI voter data file after I raised issues with how the voter rolls were being maintained. Gorbea made this change without following the rule-making process dictated by RI law.

Amore unwound Gorbea’s unlawful action, and RI now delivers full dates of birth in the voter file. Huge kudos to Secretary Amore for being reasonable, lawful, and executing his job without regard to ideology.

Worth noting that Ken Block, who reported the above on X, is on the right side of this one, too.

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