No, Gene, Do Not Redirect Professor Schiller’s Excellent Questions About the Bridge Fiasco

Gene Valicenti’s weekly Tuesday conversation on WPRO with Brown University Professor Wendy Schiller took a slightly unexpected turn yesterday when Gene honored her request to comment on the handling of the Washington Bridge closure. (Starts at Minute 06:45.)

Schiller: This is a significant, major problem that if something goes wrong with the eastbound side, for any reason … what is plan B. This is an important part of the state. We’re seeing signs in Providence that it is hurting the Providence economy in some quarters of Providence. Restaurants are closing …. We are seeing some serious ripple effects, at least in Providence. Like, Smiley, McKee, Shekarchi. Where are they? I just don’t understand. We pay taxes. This is a major, major thoroughfare for the entire state. We’re just not seeing any, any responsiveness. … How about a plan, Gene? How about a plan? They’ve got a broken bridge. They’ve had a broken bridge since December. It hasn’t even … I believe, construction hasn’t even started to take it down yet. At least, not that I’ve seen so far. They’re preparing for it. They haven’t taken it down. Look at the Jamestown Bridge, you know, the new one. That took a while but they got the old bridge down. Look at Baltimore, Gene. Right? The federal government’s getting $400M and ordered construction of the new bridge.

Valicenti: Okay, hold on, hold on. First of all, listen. Alviti comes on once a week, every Thursday, 8:00. Good times, bad times, he’s on the radio. So what exactly do you want from him?

Nice try, Gene. Adroit, even. But no. Professor Schiller didn’t want anything from an appointed state employee. She directed her excellent questions about the poor handling of and seeming lack of urgency about the abrupt closure of the failed Washington Bridge to the relevant parties: our state’s elected officials. The governor. The mayor of Providence. The Rhode Island Speaker of the House. And correctly so.

Whether to shield those elected officials or, less nefariously, to promote a weekly segment of your radio show, Gene, do not re-direct her very correct request for action and demand for accountability – emphatically shared by many, many Rhode Islanders! – away from where it belongs.

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