Truck Tolls or Any Tolls – Ever More Revenue Still Ain’t the Fix
They’re ba-a-a-a-a-ack.
Well, strong possibility.
Truck-only tolls, that is.
To clarify, Rhode Island’s only-in-the-nation, truck-only toll law is not just discriminatory – it applies only to a certain type of vehicle, trucks – but it is actually doubly discriminatory – it applies only to CERTAIN trucks (Class 8 and above).
But the federal appeals court ruled on December 6 that they are NOT discriminatory. No siree Bob. So they purportedly pass Constitutional muster, though the toll caps do not.
The ruling came as a surprise to anyone with more than two functioning brain cells.
But here we are, at least for now. And with the toll caps taken away, also.
So now Rhode Island, and actually many other states with poorly managed infrastructure budgets, are hanging fire to see if the American Trucking Associations files an appeal with the United States Supreme Court.
In the meantime, Governor McKee and the General Assembly plan to take up legislation to potentially “re-legalize” truck tolls in the upcoming session, though the Providence Journal is reporting (paywall; sorry) that it will not get rushed through.
Alrighty. Now, for those harboring the illusion that ever more revenue – whether truck tolls or all-vehicle tolling – is the answer to Rhode Island’s infrastructure woes, let’s lay out the cold, hard, bumpy facts.
Before truck tolls, Rhode Island had the sixth highest per lane mile spending on state-owned roads. Sixth highest per mile spending for – all together now – “some of the worst roads and bridges in the country”.
Seven years, $100,000,000+ in toll revenue and many millions in 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act dollars later – yowzah, Rhode Island now has the highest “Capital Outlay” per lane mile.
What has all of this spending gotten us?
Well, as of May of this year, Rhode Island ranked 47th for bridge quality, per (sorry!) the Providence Journal.
Aaaand, as of July, Rhode Island has “The worst roads in America”, according to “Consumer Affairs”.
How about another measure, one that is more “flattering” of Rhode Island’s infrastructure progress? Sure! Reason Foundation’s Annual Highway Reports. Its 2016 report ranked Rhode Island at 47th for overall “Highway Performance”.
In its 2023 report, Rhode Island had risen up five spots to 42 overall, though (sigh) 48th for structurally deficient bridge
In sum, ever more revenue has led to either zero or, at best, slow-as-molasses progress on the state’s highways.
And NO progress on the state’s bridges, which was the excus … er, stated reason for the necessity of truck tolls.
There’s no substitute for proper management of infrastructure resources. Accordingly, don’t bother with tolls, or any new infrastructure revenue for that matter, honorable leaders and legislators. Lack of it ain’t the problem and more of it won’t get the job done.
[Featured image by DEX Studios via Youtube.]~
Monique has been a contributor to Anchor Rising for over ten years, was volunteer spokesperson for the citizens advocacy anti-toll group for three+ years and began working for the Rhode Island Trucking Association as a staff member in September of 2017.