Much of the government grant system is simply laundering money for ideological purposes.

This is, let’s just say, a reasonable thing to wonder:

DataRepublican: After spending too much time on the award search tool, I’m starting to wonder if we’ve had a UBI system all along for one political party—just disguised as grants.

It may have long been the case that federal grants were a major financing scheme for left-wing organizations, but the Obama administration amplified it, flooding the market and giving us much of the confusion and turmoil of the last decade.

Objectively, one can say that Democrats are the party of government and progressives place government centrally in their ideology.  Therefor, the current state of affairs was probably inevitable — that accepting grant-making as a legitimate government function left up to bureaucrats to dole out would lead to a one-sided funding mechanism.

After all, even as far back as Thomas Jefferson’s time in office, the executive created no-show jobs for helpful allies (like newspaper men).  At least back then, however, the feds couldn’t afford to hand out comfortable salaries by means of such corruption.

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