In Depth

The Argument All Along: Uncertainty

By Justin Katz | January 22, 2005 | Comments Off on The Argument All Along: Uncertainty

It is, and has been, encouraging that the Providence Journal editorial page is willing to argue on the side of rational response to Saddam Hussein: The AP saw no reason to seek further comment on that news [that 120 Iraqi scientists who had been working in weapons programs were being paid by the U.S. government…

A Needle Dropped in the Liberal Echo Chamber

By Justin Katz | January 21, 2005 |

Perhaps my age is getting to be such that it is becoming unseemly to trawl among students’ letters to their collegiate newspapers for material. Still, by watching a babe taking its first steps, one may come to a fuller understanding of the precariousness of two-legged movement. Similarly, by considering students’ expression of their professors’ views,…

Thoughts on the President’s “Big Idea”

By Marc Comtois | January 21, 2005 | Comments Off on Thoughts on the President’s “Big Idea”

For anyone interested, I’ve posted some thoughts on the President’s Innaugural Address at The Ocean State Blogger.

Politics of Charter Schools III

By Marc Comtois | January 20, 2005 |

According to State Education Commissioner Peter McWalters, much of the debate on charter schools centers around the issues of power and control. Specifically, this battle revolves around which entity, public schools or charter schools, has more of a “right” to money from a finite pool of education dollars. As reported by the Providence Journal, charter…

A Note on the Interview

By Justin Katz | January 20, 2005 | Comments Off on A Note on the Interview

Email conversation with Sheila Lennon has persuaded me that my statement that “the news department of the Providence Journal is practically campaigning for a change in the law” should, instead, have read “the news department of the Providence Journal has practically advocated for same-sex marriage.” Lennon may not find that language any more accurate, from…

Jeff Jacoby: An American Conservative in New England

By Justin Katz | January 20, 2005 |

Sitting around a pub’s chest-high table with new acquaintances, a blue-state conservative will look for signs of ideological sympathy. In New England, should the Boston Globe arise in conversation, the canny conservative need only drop one name, before sipping his beer to disguise the true import: Jeff Jacoby. The Globe‘s bio gives an inkling as…

Inaugural Schadenfreude

By Justin Katz | January 20, 2005 | Comments Off on Inaugural Schadenfreude

What can one do but marvel that Providence Journal page B.01 columnist Bob Kerr would commit this to print: It’s a day to be silly. We’re not just inaugurating a president; we’re inaugurating a whole new way of life in which the entire country becomes its own reality show. People watch us from other places,…

Memo to the President

By Justin Katz | January 19, 2005 |

“Lukewarm” support for the FMA is just fine, Mr. President. See my piece today on NRO for details.

Respectful Competition: A Basic Requirement for a Healthy Democracy

By Donald B. Hawthorne | January 19, 2005 | Comments Off on Respectful Competition: A Basic Requirement for a Healthy Democracy

A previous posting highlighted how the coarsening of our public debate in America has resulted from the use of extreme language that only seeks to intimidate, not to persuade. Subsequently, there was the usual talk after the election about how the conservative winners should “moderate” their views, a code word suggesting that capitulating on key…

The Power of a Podium

By Justin Katz | January 18, 2005 | Comments Off on The Power of a Podium

A 230-word piece in the Providence Journal nicely captures the good that disputatious writers like Edward Achorn and (to a much lesser extent… for now) us here at Anchor Rising can do: [RI House Speaker William] Murphy had said he would seek an advisory opinion from the state Supreme Court, but said today that he…