
A Camcorder on the Other Side

By Justin Katz | October 2, 2009 |

I’m happy to see Brian Hull making sure that it isn’t only the Rhode Island right that’s always on camera. Over on Rhode Island Future, he’s posted video of the Democrat Primary Debate in Providence’s District 10. ADDENDUM: On a related topic, I haven’t rushed to publish my footage of Rep. Loughlin’s healthcare forum, because…

A Warm Anchor Rising Critique Welcome to Brian Hull

By Justin Katz | August 31, 2009 |

We’d like to welcome, of course, Brian Hull to the RI blogscene in his new role as proprietor of RIFuture. I, for one, am hopeful for a return to the collegiality of the Matt Jerzyk years and am determined not to be the cause should that prove unworkable. That said, what better method of offering…

A YouTube Star Is Born

By Justin Katz | August 21, 2009 |

While I was toiling away in obscurity inside the West Warwick Senior Center, last night, Andrew was outside getting famous:

He Could Be the Perfect Man for the Job

By Justin Katz | August 17, 2009 |

So, last week, Pat Crowley intimated that he may run for General Treasurer of Rhode Island. Those familiar with his body of, ahem, work will likely find it difficult to believe that the notion isn’t a put-on at some level. Today, Crowley announced that RIFuture is something like the state’s online hot potato: RUTURE has…

A Fireside Chat with Dan

By Justin Katz | August 6, 2009 |

Alright, there wasn’t really a fire, but since we’re talking radio, I like to imagine that there was one. Dan Yorke and I had that sort of conversation, yesterday, on 630AM/99.7FM WPRO. Those who missed it or who would like to revisit something (for kind or scurrilous reasons) can stream the whole segment (about an…

BREAKING: K-Lo Not Leaving NRO

By Justin Katz | June 20, 2009 |

Perhaps because they don’t realize how little understood the world of opinion journalism is among the public, various posters in the Corner have left a large question mark in their posts about Kathryn Jean Lopez’s employment change at NRO: Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg, and John Derbyshire. Right after her speech at the Portsmouth Institute’s Bill…

Just an Observation

By Justin Katz | June 2, 2009 |

Anybody notice that the proud (still) new owner of RI Future has ceased to post under his own name — both on the main index and in the comments? I wonder if Mr. Crowley and/or others have recognized the toxicity of his personal brand. Or is there some other motivation? ADDENDUM: I appear to have…

Business Models, Blog Style

By Justin Katz | May 27, 2009 |

Ted Nesi’s got a good story on the “business” of blogging in the current Providence Business News. One thing that didn’t quite make the transition from my conversation with him to the printed word is the significance of the ethos of blogging. In a word, if something comes of this, great; if not, well, we’ve…

Lack of Introspection, Chapter I’ve Lost Count

By Carroll Andrew Morse | March 23, 2009 |

Over at RI future, Pat Crowley argues that General Treasurer Frank Caprio’s beliefs must lie outside of the Rhode Island’s Democrat party mainstream, because the Treasurer appeared this weekend at an event sponsored by the Rhode Island Statewide Coalition… It seems strange to me that Caprio, an elected Democrat, would spend any time with an…

Link Cornucopia

By Marc Comtois | February 26, 2009 |

Expect a run on Portugese Water Dogs. We have a Senator striving to form a “Truth Commission.” Brilliant, name. Sheesh. We have a Representative calling his state’s Supreme Court a “disgrace” because they…followed the law? We have a tribal leader who can’t give up the ghost of a casino (even if he won’t say that’s…