Blue v. Red

The Business of Business Is… Healthcare?

By Justin Katz | January 26, 2008 |

As disappointing as it is that Ian Donnis would write approvingly of something spat onto the public square by the NEA’s Patrick Crowley, it’s more disappointing that he seems to agree: Pat Crowley has a strong post up at RI’s Future, pointing to a state report to indicate how Rhode Island taxpayers are paying more…

Not a One on the Island

By Justin Katz | January 13, 2008 |

I managed to restrain myself and hold on to a Christmas gift card to Barnes & Noble until Wednesday in order to put it toward the purchase of Jonah Goldberg’s new book. (As readers know, I was otherwise occupied on Tuesday evening, which is when the book was officially released.) Liberal Fascism was nowhere to…

Imbalanced, On Balance

By Justin Katz | January 10, 2008 |

Alex Merchant got a picture and story in the Providence Journal for convincing the faculty at St. George’s School in Middletown — of whom “most… consider themselves liberal” — to let him and other members of the Young Liberals organization skip class to drive up to New Hampshire and volunteer with the Obama campaign. Wouldn’t…

Conservatives Develop Liberals’ Havens

By Justin Katz | December 18, 2007 |

From time to time, we’ll discuss among ourselves a theory that certain shifts in states’ political character are the results of liberals’ fleeing from regions that they’ve ruined to regions in which conservative policies have (ahem) done precisely what one would expect them to do. As Froma Harrop recently discovered, New Hampshire is exhibit A:…

Romney Speech: The Public Square Cannot Be Naked

By Donald B. Hawthorne | December 6, 2007 |

The Corner provides excerpts from Mitt Romney’s speech today, which suggest it will focus on the broader strategic question of what role religion should play in the American public square instead of the granularity of Mormon theology: There are some who may feel that religion is not a matter to be seriously considered in the…

Rhode Island’s Charitable Giving

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 29, 2007 |

The discussion about the northeast’s charitable giving continues. Rhode Island, in particular, has traditionally done poorly in the Catalogue for Philanthropy‘s “Generosity index”, which uses “average adjusted gross income (AAGI) to the rank of each state’s average itemized charitable deductions”. Rhode Island ranked 47th in the Generosity Index compiled from 2005 data. The Catalogue for…

An Unworldly Association of Statistics

By Justin Katz | October 28, 2007 |

These are curious statistics to compare: To put the roughly one-third who believe in ghosts and UFOs in perspective, it’s about the same as, in recent AP-Ipsos polls, the 36 percent who said they are baseball fans; the 37 percent who said the U.S. made the right decision to invade Iraq; and the 31 percent…

The Left Comes ‘Round Right?

By Justin Katz | October 28, 2007 |

Perhaps owing to a natural affinity for arguments that put the United States in a stumbling-behemoth light, retired ABC leftist, Bristol photographer, and occasional Providence Journal op-ed contributor Jerry Landay makes some points with which I agree: … Breakdown, [social scientist Leopold Kohr] stated [in the 1950s], is the product of social organs that implode…

Just a Quick Shake of the Head

By Justin Katz | September 21, 2007 |

Reading Pat Crowley’s reaction in the comments section of my previous post, I find myself shaking my head at the inability of a certain type to comprehend that some people take an honest interest in the world around them and pursue and present knowledge with the intention of finding the truth. I meant it when…


By Justin Katz | September 17, 2007 |

Mark Steyn solves the problem of our lack of general consensus about what to shout at speakers who deserve remonstration: This year I marked the anniversary of September 11th by driving through Massachusetts. It wasn’t exactly planned that way, just the way things panned out. So, heading toward Boston, I tuned to Bay State radio…