Northeastern Republicanism

Be Regional Differences What They May, Yankee Republicans Must Be Made to See Their Own Drift

By Justin Katz | August 8, 2009 |

To be sure, Jon Scott doesn’t articulate anything that followers of the intra-Republican debate ’round here haven’t heard, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t treading precarious ground: “New Yankee Republicans” are fiscally conservative, believe in our nation and our troops but have little passion for social issues. “Live and let live… just don’t make me…

A Fireside Chat with Dan

By Justin Katz | August 6, 2009 |

Alright, there wasn’t really a fire, but since we’re talking radio, I like to imagine that there was one. Dan Yorke and I had that sort of conversation, yesterday, on 630AM/99.7FM WPRO. Those who missed it or who would like to revisit something (for kind or scurrilous reasons) can stream the whole segment (about an…

What Should Be Asked During the RNC Chairman’s Debate?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 2, 2009 |

On Monday, the Americans for Tax Reform organization will be holding a debate between the candidates for chairman of the Republican National Committee. Confirmed participants are Saul Anuzis, Ken Blackwell, Katon Dawson, Chip Saltsman and Michael Steele. Also inivited, but not confirmed the last time I checked the website, are Mike Duncan, Tina Benkiser and…

New England Moderates’ In-Tolerance

By Justin Katz | September 11, 2008 |

I’m actually surprised that Froma Harrop would be this myopic (no permalink available): “Cocky whacko,” is what former Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee called Sarah Palin yesterday during a speech in Washington. And Cocky Whacko is the general opinion around New England, even among Republicans and Republicans-turned-Independents like Chafee. We know that the Alaskan governor…

How I Came to Believe in God, and Why I Shouldn’t Try to Be Steve Laffey

By Justin Katz | December 1, 2007 |

To a completely unrelated post, Theracapulas (who has commented under a variety of names over the past six months) explains the problem with Anchor Rising and the RIGOP: As to why someone like you would say that you agree with a socialist like that URI professor is flat out perplexing. Dan Yorke didn’t say that…

Randall Jackvony: “Waiting on a ‘Relevant’ Person”

By Engaged Citizen | October 18, 2007 |

In one of my recent columns for the Cranston Herald, I discussed, a site the Cranston GOP has to highlight the record of Cranston Mayor Michael Napolitano. For input on the tone of politics in the Internet age, I talked with Justin Katz. As I mention in my column, Justin’s responses to my questions…

Finish This Sentence: When The Going Gets Tough, the Rockefeller Republicans…

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 21, 2007 |

Thursday’s Warwick Beacon carried its report, written by Russell J. Moore, on former U.S. Senator/former Warwick Mayor Lincoln Chafee’s disaffiliation from the Republican party. (Moore mentions Anchor Rising’s early coverage of this story; we appreciate the hat-tip). However, the item in the article that really caught my eye was current Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian’s answer…

Chafee Talks Future: His and Avedesian’s

By Marc Comtois | March 5, 2007 |

File under “Moderates on the March”: Providence Phoenix editor Ian Donnis spoke to Lincoln Chafee and got a couple interesting tidbits out of him: During one of Lincoln Chafee’s last news conferences as a US senator, he faced the inevitable questions about his political future. Noting how he had bought a home near Brown University,…

Barry Goldwater: Father of American Centrism!?!?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 13, 2006 |

National Review’s new political reporter Jonathan Martin has an article on “the GOP and its Northeast problem” in the print edition of this week’s magazine. Students of conservative history, as well as history buffs in general, may find this summary of some analysis from Dante Scala, a professor of political science at St Anslem’s College…