Seeding the Grass Roots
The Rhode Island Republican Assembly forwards this notice about a demonstration being held in Smithfield tonight…There will be a resignation rally on Tuesday 8/7/2007 at 7:00pm @ Smithfield Town Hall (64 Farnum Pike, Route 104). The purpose is to demand that disgraced former Capitol Police Chief Stephen Tocco resign from the Town Council.Thomas J. Morgan…
In an op-ed in today’s Projo, William Felkner introduces the Ocean State Policy Research Institute (OSPRI) and explains why such an organization is desperately needed here in Rhode Island… Ironically, Rhode Island is stuck in a “conservative” cycle protecting the “liberal” status quo of excessive workplace rules, generous social programs, retentive regulation, entrenched unionism in…
Local Coventry blogger Scott “I am the Duck” Duckworth appears in today’s Nicole Wietrak Kent County Times story about last night’s Coventry financial town meeting…The next issue on the table was the school budget, with resident Dennis Geoffroy making a motion to add $99,999 to the bottom line of $64.4 million. Resident Scott Duckworth spoke…
Marc’s previous post on “civic conservatism” prompts me to give my report on the national-state of another conservative brand, “compassionate conservatism”. It’s finished as a political label, but it’s rooted in better ideas than you might think. At the NRI Conservative Summit, Professor Marvin Olasky, the individual probably most responsible for bringing the term “compassionate…
I know. I’m not supposed to be posting anything on the 2008 Presidential campaign before June. However, I’m adding a codicil to my New Year’s resolution: I can make an exception when able to present primary-source material about a Presidential candidate (or someone with a Presidential exploratory committee) that adds to a discussion area already…
Among the qualities that I love about Rhode Island is its size. For some Americans, for example, attending an event across their state requires a plane and a hotel. Rhode Islanders can traverse theirs without even stopping for gas. One can get to know this state; it’s manageable. Of course, its manageability is also its…
It was one thing to do nothing more active than sit in my office, blog, and write columns when I actually managed to make time to write. Lately that hasn’t been possible. So, with the thought that “getting to work” in a metaphorical, political, and Anchor-Rising-al sense may now require me to actually leave the…