2006 Election Year Targets: Heave Ho, They Must Go

Here is the Hall of Shame showing who voted for the childcare unionization bill.
We will never forget. They all deserve to be defeated in 2006.
For the full story on the childcare unionization bill and political dynamics, read this posting.

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don roach
don roach
19 years ago

Having had about six months to deliberate the pro’s and con’s of child-care unionization, I’m still at the same point I was when I first thought about this issue: in favor with some reservations.
I have recently become even more in favor of this legislation as the governor’s remarks as well as those made by the Projo demonstrate an unwillingness to understand and an insensitivity to these providers which underscores the need for such a union.
Calling them babysitters doesn’t recognize the standards that the state requires them to uphold MORE THAN you’re 13 year-old neighbor. Having spoken to more than one child-care provider, I have determined that their problems are real and not exaggerated.
Giving them a union, gives them a voice – a place at the table. And to me, I think it’s worth it in order to ensure that thousands of people can work versus drain the state via larger state subsidy programs.

19 years ago

Childcare unionization is about one thing: money.
They want state pay and benefits, on the taxpayer’s dime if they can get it. Lord knows no one will ever be able to afford childcare again if they have to pay for their provider’s benefits package.
What’s next- nursing home unions, because they are state-regulated?

Anchor Rising
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