More on Potential FEC Restrictions on Blogging Community
A previous posting provided a substantive introduction to ongoing FEC regulation risks facing the blogging community.
Win Myers at the Democracy Project continues his good work on this subject with these two recent postings here and here.
It is in the blogging community’s self-interest as lovers of freedom to stay informed about FEC developments and all the surrounding politics – and ensure the debate is visible to the American people. Read closely and stay alert.
After all, if the government can take away our private property with ease, why should we assume they wouldn’t take away our free speech with similar ease?
Why is it even necessary to have these concerns in America? Sad and worrisome, isn’t it?
FEC Hearings on Blogging Regulations
FEC hearings on blogging have begun. A previously mentioned posting entitled Will FEC Draft Regulations Lead to Greater Regulatory Control Over Blogging Community? provides background information. A subsequent posting is entitled More on Potential FEC …