An Even Livelier Experiment

As an experiment of our own, AnchorRising will be liveblogging responses to tonight’s installment of “A Lively Experiment”, Rhode Island public television’s public affairs roundtable (Channel 36, 7:30 pm). This is not intended as a comprehensive review of the program, but as a supplement helping to add ideas and insights to the existing dialogue.


They just said their good-bye to Steve Kass (Kass is leaving to become Don Carcieri’s communications director).
Topic 1: According to all 4 panelists, Steve Laffey has no chance. Because he is he is too conservative for the electorate (Lila Sapinsley) and becasue the electorate is too conservative for him (Dave Layman). As has been the case so far, most of the Laffey/Chafee discussion quickly becomes a Laffey discussion. Is this a good thing for an incumbent Senator?
Topic 2: Credit to Roger Begin; he wants tougher controls against voter fraud. Most panelists agree. Maureen Moakley has some reservations.
Topic 3: Roberts confirmation. Sapinsley, a Chafee Republican is strongly behind Roberts. Will Senator Chafee’s support be as strong?
Begin: We need a climate in this state that does not alienate successful people. This is Begin’s second major break with Dem CW. Is he planning to run for something? Or are you free to say what you want when you’re not running for anything?
Sapinsley: Pays tribute to Kass, but adds that Don Carcieri is too conservative!
Layman: Tribute to Kass.
Moakley: State legislature shouldn’t repeal gas tax. The country needs to find energy alternatives instead.

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18 years ago

That show is still on the air? LOL Know why most Republicans don’t like government run and financed television? Well, show’s like that are the answer. That has to be the most pompous, grotesque collection of windbags that has ever graced the screen of local television. Now that Kass is leaving, and I don’t always agree with him, any semblance of that show’s intellect and charisma is gone. Talk about the blind leading the blind. It’s literally, dumb and dumber (and dumberer)!

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